
AbstractIn two studies, we tested the conceptualization of creative mindsets as latent classes, and examined several social and affective consequences of class membership. Business students completed a battery of questionnaires assessing creative personal identity, creative mindsets, social comparisons, pride, gratitude, anger, and sadness. Results from study 1 showed the presence of four latent classes: those holding low levels of both mindsets, those holding high levels of both mindsets, those holding high levels of a growth and low levels of a fixed mindset, and those holding medium levels of a growth and relative high levels of a fixed mindset. The latent class with low levels of both mindsets, growth and fixed, showed the lowest levels of creative personal identity. The latent class characterized by holding high levels of a fixed and growth mindset reported the highest tendency to use social comparison as a way of judging the quality of business ideas. Results from study 2 showed a similar four‐class solution. The low fixed and low growth creative mindset class showed the lowest levels of creative personal identity, higher levels of sadness and lower levels of pride and gratitude than some of the other classes.

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