
The relevance of the research topic is that in modern society there are systemic and profound changes that affect all spheres of society and serve as driving forces that generate new megatrends of creativity. The changes are caused by a profound transformation, points of radical technological breakdowns and their social impact, which indicate that man began to live in a completely different world. This means that a person must adapt and develop in all areas of activity - education, culture, tourism, business, and personally in professional life to enter the market with innovative and breakthrough ideas. The purpose of the study is to conceptualize the creative class as a factor in improving human capital in the context of the development of smart education. The objectives of the study: 1) to clarify the essence and characteristics of the creative class as a factor in improving human capital; 2) to identify the development of smart education as a factor in the formation of the creative class; 3) substantiate the concept of human capital, resources, potential as characteristics of the creative personality and creative class; 4) to determine the directions of formation of algorithmic thinking and personality culture as factors of human capital improvement in the context of smart education development. Research methodology. A synergetic methodology is used, which is used for the analysis of human capital as creative-innovative, which interacts nonlinearly, is considered in conditions of instability, requires its choice at bifurcation points and is based on self-organization. The use of theories of self-organization of complex systems and dissipative structures makes it possible to imagine the phenomenon of human capital as a nonlinear and multivariate process that takes place in various forms. Nonlinearity emphasizes the recognition of multivariate and probabilistic developments. The result of the study. The conceptualization of the formed "creative class" as the main concept of smart education, its main categories in the measurement of human capital is presented. It is concluded that society should bring economic development in line with the development of smart education, which depends on creative potential, as well as accelerate this process towards the development of smart technologies, smart culture, smart people as factors of intellectual progress


  • profound changes that affect all spheres of society

  • The changes are caused by a profound transformation

  • This means that a person must adapt

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Мета дослідження – концептуалізація креативного класу як чинника удосконалення людського капіталу у контексті розвитку смарт-освіти. Актуальність теми у тому, що сьогодні особливого значення набуває смарт-освіта як чинник креативного розвитку особистості в умовах інноваційно-інформаційного суспільства, що потребує творчого осмислення. Використання творчої енергії як одного з найцінніших ресурсів людського капіталу допомагає у пошуку нових рішень для досягнення пріоритетів людини у контексті смарт-освіти.

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