
Recent studies indicate that the competitive advantage of knowledge-intensive organizations, such as the providers of telecommunications services, not based on labor and abundant natural resources and cheap, but the knowledge that employees bring with them, the information that the company owns, receives the contractor and need to quickly transform them into new knowledge, and the correct and efficient use of them differently from competitors. Does what other companies can not become the greatest competitive advantage among companies in this sector. The level of consumer demand is increasing and understood by all and competition in various sectors of the economy makes new products and services are available to customers almost daily. In this scenario, the present research aims to identify and analyze how knowledge is created in telecommunications companies. To achieve this goal we elaborated a survey of theoretical and practical based on the analysis of available literature and a case study in a company providing services in the area of telecommunications and developed through 33 questionnaires to the sales force. The six semi-structured interviews were conducted with management, coordination and supervision of sales teams. With regard to the construction of this study in relation to its approach, it is classified as quali-quantitative as qualitative data elements become measurable. As for exploratory purposes is classified as descriptive and applied in relation to the means of this study involves desk research, literature and case study. The tabulation of the questionnaires and content analysis of the interviews were analyzed. From the results obtained it can be concluded in general that: 1) the company usually provide meetings for exchange of experience among sellers, 2) socialization is also encouraged by the creation of environments where employees have the opportunity to exchange ideas, thus providing the creation and dissemination of knowledge, and 3) most significant reports receiving company information on products and services sold; 4) company usually appreciate people with more experience and usually disclose the results internally; 5) the company usually provide manuals for queries relating to products and services markets; 6) vendors consider appropriate amounts of transferred knowledge and necessary for the implementation of activities. Thus it was possible to identify the need, and what happens as the creation of knowledge required for a company in this area.

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