
Recommendations are presented for developing or redeveloping railway station areas by creating synergy between both identities of a station—as a node in a transport network and as an urban location. Station users want a reliable, safe, fast, easy, comfortable, and pleasant experience in transferring to different transport modes. Besides speed and safety, quality in the sense of comfort and experience are added values. Focusing on the traveler’s appreciation of faster travel leads to three strategies that can add value—( a) acceleration: making individual trips faster and eliminating hassle in transferring to other transport modes; ( b) concentration: concentrating origins and destinations near stations and improving the station environment; ( c) enhancement: adding facilities that enhance the comfort and experience of transfer points. To create this synergy, a station should be divided into three areas. First, travel-related services should be located at the center of transfer points; acceleration is the key word here. Second, business facilities central to transfer points would make transfer intervals more useful and pleasant; the emphasis is on enhancing comfort and experience. Third, less-travel-related activities and attractions should be concentrated in a particular location, thus reducing travel time and hassle and enhancing the urban environment. Synergy in station development or redevelopment can result if both transportation and real estate factors are considered.

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