
Participants will discuss the integration of global learning into the curricula and examine comprehensive frameworks for global learning. This session will engage participants in designing curriculum/assessment tools and developing partnership strategies that advance an intentional approach to global learning throughout the undergraduate experience. Using the AAC&U Global VALUE rubric, which shows how course specific global learning outcomes (GLOs) align with dimensions of student development, we will cross-reference the rubric to instructional strategies that optimize the achievement of the GLOs; drilling down further, we show how examples of how these GLOs align with appropriate learning activities, assessments, and related learning technologies. Following this basic template, we lead participants working in pairs through an analysis of their syllabi and through a series of structured exercises (worksheets and small group interaction) to co-develop a course learning module or collaborative assignment segment that integrates at least one global learning outcome.The goals of this session are compatible with Mason's Collaborative Global Classrooms (CGC) Initiative, where faculty are funded to partner with one or more international peer faculty who together transform and then co-teach an existing course or course component into a CGC course. The signature learning experience of a CGC involves high levels of student collaborative engagement with international peers and intercultural skills development in a co-taught learning environment.

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