
Abstract This articledemonstrates howthe hiddenEuropeposes a challenge tothe theologyof diaconia. It focuses on those who are marginalized. Three documents from the last decades illustrate that exclusion is a fundamental challenge to modern European societies. The centripetal forces of globalization as well as the centrifugal force of ethnicity tend to destroy genuine pluralism and the democratic way of negotiating differences. By contrast, the Bible has a vision of an alternative response to pluralism, e. g., Jesus' table fellowships, which affirmthe plurality of identities and the value of marginalized persons. In a similar way, the Pentecost in Acts 2 is a powerful paradigm for negotiating diversity. The Spirit does not bring about a homogenized and secure uniformity, but rather a differentiated and costly unity of all people. The Bible also highlights the importance of others in their otherness. Moreover, seeing the world from the perspective of the other is an important aspect of New Tes...

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