
Many organisations find it challenging to effectively integrate separate internal management systems and processes into one cohesive framework that supports organisational strategy. A management system is a framework of policies, processes and procedures developed to ensure an organisation can complete the tasks necessary to achieve its strategic objectives. International and industry standards typically take a functional view of management systems, often resulting in silos of information. In addition, inefficient and isolated safety, environmental, process safety, risk, compliance and quality management systems cost time and money, and can increase the likelihood of safety incidents in critical development and production environments. To support Woodside’s vision to be a global leader in upstream oil and gas, Woodside needed to establish a common approach to how it operates, wherever the location, and develop a strong foundation to support its strategic objectives. Woodside recently undertook an internally led company-wide project to renew its Woodside Management System (WMS) to improve integration between disparate functionally based management systems and capture the way we work more effectively. As part of the project, Woodside took the opportunity to redesign its WMS framework and streamline its processes and procedures by simplifying and removing duplicate or redundant existing information. Through the project, Woodside developed a single integrated management system that is independent of organisational structure and closely linked to our vision. The integrated control framework created within the WMS supports conformance to process and forms the foundation of assurance activities across the entire company. The WMS integrates a hierarchy of business processes, focused upon value stream activities, and clearly defines operational processes and activities. This paper discusses the objectives and outcomes of the project, some challenges during implementation and the change management approach to develop the culture and behaviours to drive continuous improvement and unlock the benefits of an integrated management system.

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