
Continuous quality improvement is the responsibility of all healthcare providers to ensure a positive experience and improved patient outcomes. Quality Conversations (QC) is a very short, weekly, huddle that provides a team building opportunity to discuss and act on quality improvement and safety opportunities, share ideas for what can be done differently and to celebrate accomplishments achieved together. We piloted these weekly QCs to understand the effectiveness of these conversations on a busy radiotherapy department. Multiple forums were engaged to raise awareness amongst the team with regards to, goals, purpose and benefits of engaging in these conversations. The huddles were held each week, for 15 minutes (maximum) in front of a board facilitated by a member(s) of the leadership team. All members of the planning team were encouraged to attend. Each conversation was grounded in three guiding questions: What are we currently working on? How well are we doing? Are our change ideas working? Staff were encouraged to discuss bright ideas and next steps and identify key participants in leading the change. The PDSA model was used to track and guide the quality improvement work. Change initiative leaders reported back at the following week's QC. Pre and post evaluations were administered to all members of the planning team to identify the strengths and opportunities of the QC approach. The non-validated web based survey included 11 five item Likert scale questions, and 2 open ended questions on value of QC and opportunities for sustaining QCs into practice. This pilot project suggests that a QC approach encouraged an open form for all staff to regularly discuss quality improvement initiatives and integrate recommendations into daily practice. Changing the frequency of huddles was an identified opportunity for improvement. Quality Conversations is an innovative idea that can increase team collaboration, and problem solving using performance data, patient outcomes and safety.

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