
The use of renewable energy sources makes it possible to coordinate the load schedules of agricultural enterprises and achieve a significant technical and economic effect by optimizing the processes of generation, transportation, distribution and consumption of electricity. Powerful agribusiness enterprises are located far enough from the centralized power supply and closer to the raw material bases, so it is proposed to disperse the power of both industrial and energy industries. Therefore, the paper analyzes the features of creating scrollerroller taking into account the world experience of Vladovo-Lubinecka experimental breeding station of the Institute of bioenergy crops and sugar beet of National Academy of agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, part of the Training-scientific-industrial complex “Allukrainian scientific-educational consortium” with the use of renewable sources of energy. Describes the main modes scrollerroller. Outlines the advantages of creating scrollerroller: improving the quality and reliability of the system, decentralization of production, the decline in electricity prices (in the context of how transportation and distribution), optimizing the use of renewable energy technologies through the integration of scrollerroller and use scrollerroller as a backup mechanism to prevent a power outage. The paper proposes to use local information management systems, which have the functions of self-gratification and self-adjustment depending on changes in the conditions of generation and consumption.

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