The rare radiative flavour changing top decays $t\to c\gamma$ and $t\to cg$ (and the even rarer $t\to u\gamma$ and $t\to ug$) have been processes of interest for decades as they offer a key probe for studying top quark properties. However an explicit analytical study of the branching ratios and $CP$ asymmetries resulting from these loop level processes has thus far evaded attention. In this work, we provide the formulation for the $CP$ asymmetry resulting from the total kinetic contribution of the loop integrals and their imaginary parts, as well as an updated numerical computation of the predicted Standard Model (SM) branching fractions. These rare processes are suppressed in the SM by the Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani (GIM) mechanism. However, the results presented here can easily be exported for use in minimal extensions of the SM including vector-like quarks or in Two-Higgs-Doublet models where radiative fermionic decay processes can be enhanced relative to the SM by several orders of magnitude. Such processes provide an experimentally clean signature for new fundamental physics and can potentially be tested by current collider experiments. These topical beyond the SM theories are an elegant means to provide improved global fits to the latest results emerging from flavour physics, CKM and precision electroweak measurements.
The study of radiative decays has been of interest for many decades because they provide an experimentally clean probe for new physics [1]
The main addition to the results shown in this work for a complete description of these decays would be the inclusion of flavor changing neutral couplings (FCNC) diagrams with Z, h and unphysical scalar χ bosons appearing in the penguin diagrams
The rare radiative flavor changing loop level top decays t → cγ, t → cg, t → uγ, and t → ug branching ratios and corresponding CP asymmetries are computed in full detail
The study of radiative decays has been of interest for many decades because they provide an experimentally clean probe for new physics [1]. The addition of quark singlets to the SM particle content represents the simplest way to break the GIM mechanism and can thereby enable large radiative decay widths These models typically contain a nonunitary higher dimensional CKM matrix and contain flavor changing neutral couplings (FCNC) to the Z boson at tree level since the new heavy quarks are not SUð2ÞL doublets. This section is further divided into an overview of the interaction Lagrangian, computation of the relevant amplitudes, analytical evaluation of the kinetic terms and most importantly their imaginary parts (which are responsible for generating CP asymmetry), followed by showing the computation for the CP asymmetry itself
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