
Considering several patients screened due to COVID-19 pandemic, computer-aided detection has strong potential in assisting clinical workflow efficiency and reducing the incidence of infections among radiologists and healthcare providers. Since many confirmed COVID-19 cases present radiological findings of pneumonia, radiologic examinations can be useful for fast detection. Therefore, chest radiography can be used to fast screen COVID-19 during the patient triage, thereby determining the priority of patient's care to help saturated medical facilities in a pandemic situation. In this paper, we propose a new learning scheme called self-supervised transfer learning for detecting COVID-19 from chest X-ray (CXR) images. We compared six self-supervised learning (SSL) methods (Cross, BYOL, SimSiam, SimCLR, PIRL-jigsaw, and PIRL-rotation) with the proposed method. Additionally, we compared six pretrained DCNNs (ResNet18, ResNet50, ResNet101, CheXNet, DenseNet201, and InceptionV3) with the proposed method. We provide quantitative evaluation on the largest open COVID-19 CXR dataset and qualitative results for visual inspection. Our method achieved a harmonic mean (HM) score of 0.985, AUC of 0.999, and four-class accuracy of 0.953. We also used the visualization technique Grad-CAM++ to generate visual explanations of different classes of CXR images with the proposed method to increase the interpretability. Our method shows that the knowledge learned from natural images using transfer learning is beneficial for SSL of the CXR images and boosts the performance of representation learning for COVID-19 detection. Our method promises to reduce the incidence of infections among radiologists and healthcare providers.

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