
Recently, automatic computer-aided detection (CAD) of COVID-19 using radiological images has received a great deal of attention from many researchers and medical practitioners, and consequently several CAD frameworks and methods have been presented in the literature to assist the radiologist physicians in performing diagnostic COVID-19 tests quickly, reliably and accurately. This paper presents an innovative framework for the automatic detection of COVID-19 from chest X-ray (CXR) images, in which a rich and effective representation of lung tissue patterns is generated from the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) based textural features. The input CXR image is first preprocessed by spatial filtering along with median filtering and contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization to improve the CXR image's poor quality and reduce image noise. Automatic thresholding by the optimized formula of Otsu's method is applied to find a proper threshold value to best segment lung regions of interest (ROIs) out from CXR images. Then, a concise set of GLCM-based texture features is extracted to accurately represent the segmented lung ROIs of each CXR image. Finally, the normalized features are fed into a trained discriminative latent-dynamic conditional random fields (LDCRFs) model for fine-grained classification to divide the cases into two categories: COVID-19 and non-COVID-19. The presented method has been experimentally tested and validated on a relatively large dataset of frontal CXR images, achieving an average accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score of 95.88%, 96.17%, 94.45%, and 95.79%, respectively, which compare favorably with and occasionally exceed those previously reported in similar studies in the literature.

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