
City parks include public green open spaces that serve to provide an attractive image to the city. In addition, city parks can be used as recreation areas and community spaces for their citizens. In city parks there are various kinds of sounds that also fill the visitor's room experience. This plays an important role for the formation of a good character space. The user of space experiences a multisensory experience of architecture by paying attention to his attention through an audial experience. The purpose of this study is to find out and explore how the experience of soundscapes or soundscapes in public open spaces with the case of city parks. The research was conducted by the author on weekdays and weekends, by observing various types of sound sources, time and sound strength. The method used was qualitative rationalistic with the support of data collection using a Sound Level Meter. The results of this study obtained various variations of the sound sources of the Srigunting city park, namely the sound of birds, motor vehicles, infrastructure development, passing trains, church bells, mosque call to prayer, people who talk, traders and visitors who are active. The dominance of sound that occurs in the corridor is motor vehicles driving with a fairly dense intensity. Questionnaires were distributed to visitors and most of them felt disturbed by the sound that was above the noise threshold.

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