
In 2019, coronavirus, a respiratory virus emerged from a seafood market in Wuhan, China. Afterward, this virus spread to other countries. Currently, globally, about 661, 012 deaths have been reported as a result of COVID 19 infection as of July 2020. Adverse life experiences contributed to mental illness such as the trauma caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many adults reported worsened of mental health due to the pandemic. During the pandemic, many Americans are struggling with mental health challenges. This is an analytical review of the literature on the impact of COVID-19 on mental health. During the pandemic, common mental health issues included (a) quarantine, social distancing, and self-isolation; (b) community members and mental health; (c) grief and multiple losses; (d) parents, children, and mental health issues.(e) mental health conditions; and (f) COVID-19 infection and existing mental health complications. A collaborative effort is needed to address the trauma brought on by the pandemic. Enduring emotional distress and fear created by COVID-19 caused trauma in children and adults. The symptoms of trauma can manifest differently in children than in adults. In the future, many of these psychosocial and mental health consequences of the pandemic will have to be addressed by behavioral health practitioners. These mental health issues will continue when the pandemic has ceased. More research is needed on COVID-19 infection during and especially after the pandemic to address and lessen mental health problems.

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