
The pandemic's immediate effects may be gloomy, but it also presents a rare opportunity for learning, transformation, and resilience-building within Nigerian universities' educational systems. Against this backdrop, the Covid-19 pandemic and teachers' perceptions of income and satisfaction in Nigerian private universities were the subjects of this study. The study was accompanied by the formulation of two research questions. The entire faculty at Al-Hikmah University makes up the study's population. Participants were chosen using two non-probability sampling strategies. Purposive and convenient procedures were specifically used to pick four academic staff members from various faculties. Relevant data for the study was gathered using an interview methodology called the "Interview Protocol on Income and Satisfaction (IPIS)". Data collected were analyzed using thematic method. Findings indicate that lecturers’ were satisfied with the level of income in the university. Specifically, they are satisfied in terms of regular payment of Salaries and other fringe benefits. Also, findings revealed that the pandemic had impact on Al-Hikmah University in many ways. The study recommends that management of Al-Hikmah University should come up with another source of income to increase revenue drive, this will enable them have more financial buoyancy, to increase the satisfaction of their lecturers. Additionally, there should be aggressive planning and policy mix should be set up in order to provide for the staff in the closest future, this will empower the University to prepare and take actions in case of future occurrences.

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