
The future is a big word. It can be composed of uncertainties that make us all fear for. However, it is also filled with opportunities that one can grasp vast amount of optimism. We, as the human species, have always been fascinated with our imagination about the future. In the past, we besought witches to tell us about our fortunes. Nowadays, we form risk management entities and consulting firms that help clients identify opportunities and dangers, while attempting to “shape” the future for each one’s favor if possible. If you ask any one at the New Year Eve party about their predictions of the year 2020 on December 31st, 2019, no one would have believed what was bound to take place—in the same fashion as one from 1700s would have never believed the establishment of European Union. While the virus halted our daily routines and is enforcing humans to change their social behaviors, the very reality of this current pandemic COVID-19 is indeed unprecedented. Humans cannot rewind the reality to the past—we should analyze the current situation and predict the future trends in the hope of a more adequate preparation. COVID-19 can be perceived as a catalyst that boosts the progress of various occurring long-term trends in business conducts. Hence, these key long-term trends can shape up companies’ future structures and behaviors forever.

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