
Russian science knows the limited number of studies dedicated to the media of the Czech Republic. The article identifies the features of coverage of Russian-Czech relations by the Czech online media iDnes TV and Televize Seznam. This study aims to find out how the Russian-Czech relations are reported by iDnes TV and Televize Seznam. We apply such methods as comparative and quantitative analysis, data systematization, description, and content analysis. The paper examines some theoretical studies and 1,173 video news of iDnes TV and Televize Seznam. Based on the conducted research, we conclude that Czechs consider modern Russia as a threat to world security, and look at the era of communism in the Czech Republic negatively. At the same time, Russia remains an important part of the international agenda of the Czech media: the most popular themes in the coverage of the relations between Russia and the Czech Republic are politics and history. The findings illustrate that online media tend to use simpler forms and genres. To understand the trends of transformation of Russian-Czech relations in recent years, we need to continue our research.

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