
The covariant canonical transformation theory applied to the relativistic Hamiltonian theory of classical matter fields in dynamical space-time yields a novel (first order) gauge field theory of gravitation. The emerging field equations necessarily embrace a quadratic Riemann term added to Einstein’s linear equation. The quadratic term endows space-time with inertia generating a dynamic response of the space-time geometry to deformations relative to (Anti) de Sitter geometry. A “deformation parameter” is identified, the inverse dimensionless coupling constant governing the relative strength of the quadratic invariant in the Hamiltonian, and directly observable via the deceleration parameter q0. The quadratic invariant makes the system inconsistent with Einstein’s constant cosmological term, Λ = const. In the Friedman model this inconsistency is resolved with the scaling ansatz of a “cosmological function”, Λ(a), where a is the scale parameter of the FLRW metric. The cosmological function can be normalized such that with the A CDM parameter set the present-day observables, the Hubble constant and the deceleration parameter, can be reproduced. With this parameter set we recover the dark energy scenario in the late epoch. The proof that inflation in the early phase is caused by the “geometrical fluid” representing the inertia of space-time is yet pending, though. Nevertheless, as according to the CCGG theory the present-day cosmological function, identified with the currently observed Λobs, is a balanced mix of two contributions. These are the (A)dS curvature plus the residual vacuum energy of space-time and matter. The curvature term is proportional to the deformation parameter given by the coupling strength of the quadratic Riemann term. This allows for a fresh look at the Cosmological Constant Problem that plagues the standard Einstein-Friedman cosmology.

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