
The presented article outlines proposals for the prevention of crimes committed by women using special criminological means. Early, direct, penitentiary and post-penitentiary prevention of criminal behavior of women is considered. At the same time, the existing system of preventive measures taken depending on the degree of formation of personal deformations of female criminals is analyzed and ways to improve it are also proposed. In particular, the main drawback of the current system of preventive measures is the lack of a gender approach to this work, which does not allow taking into account the physiological, psychological and social characteristics of women when preventing their criminal behavior. In addition, at the stage of early prevention, social patronage measures are proposed for disadvantaged families and women who find themselves in difficult life situations; identification and neutralization of intrafamily conflicts; medical and social measures aimed at preventing such background phenomena of crime as alcohol dependence syndrome and drug addiction, as well as schizoid psychopathologies, somatic and venereal diseases. The church, which provides support to homeless women and women in difficult life situations, is considered as a subject of prevention. For direct prevention, a number of technical and organizational measures are listed. Particular attention is paid to penitentiary and post-penitentiary prevention, which is considered taking into account the Concept for the development of the penal system of the Russian Federation until 2030 and the Federal Law “On Probation in the Russian Federation” (2023), measures are proposed aimed at resocialization, social adaptation of women, after serving their sentence in order to prevent relapse, among them emphasis is placed on education and vocational training, work activity, psychological assistance.

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