
Operation of Single Electron Devices at room temperature is strongly correlated with the fabrication of ultrasmall conductive islands separated by well defined tunneling barriers. The requirements e 2 /2C >> k B T and R T >> h/e 2 ≃ 25.8kΩ force the capacitances to be in the sub aF range and hence the particle size to be only a few nm in diameter. In a first part we report on STM-studies of selforganized Pt clusters (1-4 nm in diameter) on top of a thin isolating Al 2 O 3 layer being supported by an underlying atomically flat Au-substrate. The complete sample structure has been. fabricated and measured in UHV without breaking the vacuum With the STM-tip as a second contact electrode, this system establishes a double-tunnel- junction, which exhibits Coulomb blockade effects at room temperature. The recorded I(U)-curves on individual clusters showed a variety of features like a Coulomb gap, Coulomb staircase, barrier suppression and asymmetric tunneling barrier effects, with the Coulomb gap (0.3-1.5 eV) being the most often observed feature. In a second part we present the results of measurements done on an 2-dimensional array of selforganized Pt dots being placed in a 30-120 nm wide gap between two microstructured electrodes on top of an oxidized Si-wafer (100 nm SiO 2 ). We demonstrated a clear Coulomb gap of 0.1 - I eV at room temperature. We were able to change the current through the array by applying a gate voltage to the silicon substrate and therefore demonstrated a transistor like device based on the single electron tunneling in a 2-dimensional array of selforganized metal dots. In some cases we could observe a gate- voltage induced oscillating behaviour of the current.

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