
This article aims to present the mobilizations of different social actors for the implementation of quota policies to increase the entry of the black population in the undergraduate courses of the State University of Maringá, in Paraná, as well as raise indicative for analyses and studies that facilitate the deepening of affirmative actions in the State. For this, initially the emergence of the theme in the national scenario is contextualized with the legal regulations that underpin and subsidize the implementation of this policy throughout the national territory. From the examples of the first institutions of higher education that adopt racial quotas, in the first decade of the 21st century, other institutions are also positioning themselves in this regard and in Paraná this is no different. Although this discussion in this state has appeared since the first half of the 2000s, the State University of Maringá only approves this policy almost at the end of the second decade of this century, after the articulation of various groups in favor of the rights of black people. Based on reports and publications about the movements for the implementation of this policy, a record of the history is made, with the cataloguing of the main actions that led to the approval of quotas for blacks at the said university, on November 20, 2019, a day that symbolizes the resistance and struggle of the black people for rights. Finally, it opens the discussion to the paths to be followed for the success of the quotas for blacks in the university, signaling the challenges to be faced in becoming.


  • Resumen: Este artículo tiene por objetivo presentar las movilizaciones de diferentes actores sociales para la implementación de las políticas de cuotas para aumentar el ingreso de la población negra en los cursos de graduación de la Universidad Estadual de Maringá, en Paraná, así como suscitar indicativos para análisis y estudios que propicien la profundización sobre las acciones afirmativas en el Estado

  • This article aims to present the mobilizations of different social actors for the implementation of quota policies to increase the entry of the black population in the undergraduate courses of the State University of Maringá, in Paraná, as well as raise indicative for analyses and studies that facilitate the deepening of affirmative actions in the State

  • No Dia da Consciência Negra, Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM) aprova cotas raciais para vestibulares

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Delton Aparecido Felipe[1] Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Departamento de História, Maringá, PR, Brasil. Lílian Amorim Carvalho[2] Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Maringá, PR, Brasil. Resumo: Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar as mobilizações de diferentes atores sociais para a implementação das políticas de cotas para aumentar o ingresso da população negra nos cursos de graduação da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, no Paraná, bem como suscitar indicativos para análises e estudos que propiciem o aprofundamento sobre as ações afirmativas no Paraná. Dessa discussão neste Estado aparecer desde a primeira metade da década de 2000, a Universidade Estadual de Maringá somente aprova esta política quase no fim da segunda década deste século, depois da articulação de diversos grupos em prol dos direitos das pessoas negras. QUOTAS FOR THE BLACK POPULATION AT THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF MARINGÁ: MOBILIZATIONS, IMPLEMENTATION AND CHALLENGES

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