
We study a nonminimal derivative coupling (NMDC) of scalar field, where the scalar field is coupled to curvature tensor in the five dimensional universal extra dimension model. We apply the Einstein equation and find its solution. First, we consider a special case of pure free scalar field without NMDC and we find that for static extradimension, the solution is equivalent to the standard cosmology with stiff matter. For a general case of pure free scalar field with NMDC, we find that the de Sitter solution is the solution of our model. For this solution, the scalar field evolves linearly in time. In the limit of small Hubble parameter, the general case give us the same solution as in the pure free scalar field. Finally, we perform a dynamical analysis to determine the stability of our model. We find that the extradimension, if it exist, can not be static and always shrinks with the expansion of four dimensional spacetime.

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