
It is shown that Planck CMB temperature anisotropy data at high multipoles, ℓ > 1000, produce the measurement of matter density perturbations amplitude that contradict to all other constraints obtained both from remaining Planck CMB anisotropy data and from other cosmological data, at about 3:7σ significance level. With the exception of Planck CMB temperature anisotropy data at high multipoles, all other measurements of density perturbation amplitude are in good agreement between each other and give the following measurements of linear density perturbation amplitude: σ8 = 0:792 ± 0:006, mean density of the Universe: Ωm = 0:287 ± 0:007, and Hubble constant: H0 = 69:4 ± 0:6 km s-1 Mpc-1. Therefore, in this case the tensions in H0 constraints between Planck+BAO data and direct H0 measurements are weaken, and the tensions in σ8 measurements between Planck CMB data and large scale structure data disappear completely. Taking in account the data on baryon acoustic oscillations and (or) direct measurements of the Hubble constant, one can obtain different constraints on sum of neutrino mass and number of relativistic species.


  • The measurements of cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature and polarization obtained in Planck all-sky survey [1, 2], constitute one of the basic cosmological datasets, currently used to constrain parameters of cosmological model

  • The measurements of weak gravitational lensing of distant galaxies in deep optical surveys allow to measure inhomogeneity of matter distribution that light passes, which in turn allow to obtain almost direct measurement of matter density perturbation amplitude

  • Weak gravitational lensing of distant galaxies in Dark Energy Survey, first data release (DES);

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The measurements of cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature and polarization obtained in Planck all-sky survey [1, 2], constitute one of the basic cosmological datasets, currently used to constrain parameters of cosmological model. It is known that there is a number of tensions between cosmological parameters constraints, which are obtained from different subsets of Planck survey data as well from the data of some other cosmological measurements [e.g., 2–6]. It is shown that the cosmological parameters constraints obtained using these heterogeneous data are in good agreement with each other, with the exception of the data on Planck CMB temperature anisotropy spectrum at high multipoles,. The cosmological parameters constraints, which can be obtained with no use of this part of Planck survey data, are studied in detail. More detailed description of these constraints and further discussion can be found in [7]

Planck CMB anisotropy data
South Pole Telescope CMB polarization anisotropy data
Galaxy clusters
Weak gravitational lensing
Matter power spectrum and redshift space distortions
Combined constraints
The measurements of distances and expansion rate of Universe
Constraints on sum of neutrino mass and number of relativistic species
Discussion and conclusions
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