
For the Ede people, the universe is a combination of three horizons, including the upper sky, middle ground and lower ground. On those three horizons, gods reside and dominate almost activities in the daily life of the Ede people. The concepts of the Ede's cosmology are imbued with idealistic thought, it personalizes all phenomena and things surrounding human life. Therefore, Ede people always think that humans were male and female. Besides, in the universe of Ede, sevenis always a sacred and wonderful number because it is believed to give people warmth and peace. All these things are expressed almost comprehensively and completely in the worshiping ritual of the Ede people, hence the study of the cosmic outlook in the Ede people’s worship ritual is meaningful regarding theory and reality in preserving and promoting values in the cultural identity of the Ede people in Buon Ma Thuot in the current context, when the increasingly strong globalization in Vietnam has influenced the cultural identity of this ethnic group to change under the trend of gradual fading.

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