Article1 June 1956CORTISONE VERSUS X-RAY IN THE TREATMENT OF SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS: A REPORT OF FOUR CASESLAWRENCE TAYLOR, M.D.LAWRENCE TAYLOR, M.D.Search for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Informationhttps://doi.org/10.7326/0003-4819-44-6-1082 SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptReports of successful treatment of subacute thyroiditis (DeQuervain's, pseudotuberculous, giant cell thyroiditis) have included the use of x-ray, thiouracil, ACTH, cortisone and thyroid-stimulating hormone. The average duration of subacute thyroiditis following x-ray therapy was 19 days in Crile's series,1although two cases received two or more courses over a period of three months. Portmann,2however, reported 46 of 47 patients apparently cured with one or two courses of x-ray therapy, the patient not cured having received only one course. Robbins3reported five of six patients improved within two days following thyroid-stimulating hormone, 20 to 30 mg. intramuscularly daily for from...Bibliography1. Crile G: Thyroiditis, Ann. Surg. 127: 640-654, 1948. CrossrefGoogle Scholar2. Portmann UV: Clinical therapeutic radiology, 1950, Thomas Nelson and Sons, New York, p. 177. Google Scholar3. RobbinsRallTrunnellRawson JJEJBRW: The effect of thyroid stimulating hormone in acute thyroiditis, J. Clin. Endocrinol. 11: 1106-1115, 1951. CrossrefGoogle Scholar4. KingRossellini BTH: Treatment of acute thyroiditis with thiouracil, preliminary report, J. A. M. A. 129: 267-268, 1945. CrossrefGoogle Scholar5. Crile G: Thyroiditis, Ann. Int. Med. 37: 519, 1952. LinkGoogle Scholar6. Lasser RP: Subacute thyroiditis treated with cortisone, J. A. M. A. 152: 1133-1134, 1953. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar7. KahnSpritzlerShector JRJWE: Cortisone treatment of subacute non-suppurative thyroiditis: report of 2 cases, Ann. Int. Med. 39: 1129-1133, 1953. LinkGoogle Scholar8. Landman HR: Acute thyroiditis treated with cortisone, Am. Pract. 5: 130-131, 1954. Google Scholar9. GelfandLittleHoffman MLASKF: The treatment of subacute non-suppurative thyroiditis with cortisone, Am. J. M. Sc. 229: 69-73, 1955. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar10. HunterSheehan RCDJ: Treatment of subacute thyroiditis with cortisone, New England J. Med. 251: 174-176, 1954. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar11. Kinsell LW: The clinical application of pituitary adrenocorticotropic and adrenal steroid hormones, Ann. Int. Med. 35: 615-651, 1951. LinkGoogle Scholar12. RoweLambTaylorKinsell AGRFBLW: Experience with cortisone and ACTH in private practice, California Med. 75: 11, 1951. MedlineGoogle Scholar13. Duncan GG: Diseases of metabolism, 3d Ed., 1952, W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, p. 980. Google Scholar14. HardyRiegelErisman JDCEP: Experience with protein bound iodine: the effect of ACTH and cortisone on thyroid function, Am. J. M. Sc. 220: 290-292, 1950. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar15. Perry WF: The action of cortisone and ACTH on thyroid function, Endocrinology 49: 284-288, 1951. Google Scholar This content is PDF only. To continue reading please click on the PDF icon. Author, Article, and Disclosure InformationAffiliations: Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania*Received for publication January 17, 1956.From the Department of Medicine, Bryn Mawr Hospital, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Metrics Cited bySubacute thyroiditisDie Strahlentherapie gutartiger Erkrankungen innersekretorischer DrüsenDie Strahlentherapie gutartiger Erkrankungen innersekretorischer DrüsenPrednisone for Treatment of Subacute ThyroiditisSubacute Thyroiditis Treated with Salicylate 1 June 1956Volume 44, Issue 6Page: 1082-1087KeywordsAdrenocorticotropic hormoneEdemaGiant cellsHospital medicineProteinsThyroidThyroid-stimulating hormone ePublished: 1 December 2008 Issue Published: 1 June 1956 PDF downloadLoading ...
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