
This longitudinal study evaluated the cortical thickness, gray-to-white matter contrast (GWC), and frontal lobe intracortical myelin (ICM) volume in first-episode schizophrenia (FES) patients treated with oral antipsychotics (OAP) versus a long-acting injectable antipsychotic, paliperidone palmitate (PP). 2D proton density and inversion recovery images, and 3D T1-weighted MPRAGE images were acquired at 3T from 68 FES patients in a randomized clinical trial with PP vs OAP. At baseline, no differences in GWC and ICM were observed between FES patients and HCs, but the thickness of the left precuneus, the right transverse temporal gyrus, and the bilateral superior temporal gyri was found to be thinner in FES patients relative to HCs. Following 9 months of antipsychotics, OAP treatment, compared to PP treatment, resulted in a more widespread cortical thickness reduction including the right lateral occipital and orbitofrontal gyri. No significant ICM and GWC changes were observed in the PP group, whereas OAP treatment led to a significant ICM volume decrease and GWC increase. A negative correlation was found between ICM changes and GWC changes within multiple frontal regions after 9 months of OAP treatment. These preliminary findings suggest that PP treatment might aid preservation of brain morphology.

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