
Criminal activity of the corrupted employees of the Russian government institutions of various levels is one of the significant reasons of stay of the country in a condition of crisis. There is an association of considerable part of the operating bureaucracy in uniform antisocial system. A main goal of such a system is achievement of the highest level of the welfare and welfare of friends and relatives. On the other hand, the conglomerate of the interconnected participants of this criminal community, instead of fully performing fully their official duties, realizes plans of the destructive coordinated impact on the state social and economic basis, gaining and strengthening the power influence in political, economic and social spheres. The purpose of the authors of this work is a brief description of the idea of cognitive approach to the system analysis of corruption process. It is presented by simulation model of the avalanche type of special structure for demonstration of the dual mechanism of management of the social explosion caused by corruption. The idea of applying cognitive modeling of corruption process is based on the dialectic concept: control of an internal contradiction. It allows to reflect dynamics of a system condition and to show result of accumulation of a quantitative property with transition to the new quality. In the marked area development of corruption activity leads to explosion, breaking integrity of social and economic system. Cognitive research (in structural aspect) gives us the chance to reveal the mechanism of action of the factors influencing the course of “reproduction” of the corrupted elite. However, some factors promote braking, others, on the contrary, accelerate approach of national accident. Organizational and legal impacts on a source of degradation allow conducting fight against corruption. The Russian mentality, national, cultural features, and legislative basis do not allow adopting fully experience of fight against corruption of some countries, for example, of China, the USA, Singapore, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the ways. In this study, the computer program of the avalanche process is used. Results of the computer experiments realizing the mechanism of double regulation of a condition of the studied phenomenon are given. The model is simple and evident, contains not many parameters and variables, and allows explaining inevitability of social and economic crisis in conditions of the current legislation and the weakened moral and ethical influence on the criminal antisocial union. Provisions and conclusions of this study prove inevitability of catastrophic consequences in social and economic space, but they can be delayed for considerable time due to disciplinary, legal, educational influence.


  • Преступная деятельность коррумпированных работников российских государственных структур различного уровня является одной из значимых причин пребывания страны в состоянии кризиса

  • The purpose of the authors of this work is a brief description of the idea of cognitive approach to the system analysis of corruption process

  • The idea of applying cognitive modeling of corruption process is based on the dialectic concept: control of an internal contradiction

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Коррупция в современном обществе носит характер «вирусной инфекции», атаке которой подвержены его члены, если выполняются «благоприятные» условия активного действия носителя этой инфекции. Существует глубокая аналогия между механизмом коррупции в обществе и разрушительной вирусной деятельностью в биологической популяции, то есть коррупция — это социальная эпидемия. Данный термин (от латинского corrumpere — «растлевать», corruptio — «порча», «подкуп») означает форму разложения (деградации) государственного механизма. Это явление способствует достижению цели определённых политических и олигархических кругов, то есть уничтожению системы управления государством и завладению его ресурсами

Социально-психологические аспекты коррупции
Меры противодействия
Имитационная модель коррупционного процесса
Примеры экспериментирования с моделью
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