On page 3077, the last sentence should be modified to (changes in bold): “We expected that a faster rate of infusion would decrease meal size but increase and the time between meals compared with a slower rate of infusion.” On page 3080, the second line of the first column should be modified as follows: “Pk × Tl = the interaction between period and treatment.” On page 3080 (second paragraph of Results), the first 2 sentences should be modified as follows: “The amount of PA infused (∼14.5 mol/d) provided 5.29 Mcal of ME/d and did not differ (P = 0.35) between FST and SLW. When the ME from the treatment infusions was added to the MEI from the diet, PA decreased total MEI 30.6% per day (41.7 vs. 28.9 Mcal/d, P <0.01) and effects of FST and SLW were similar (28.3 vs. 29.6 Mcal/d, P = 0.68).” The last two rows of Table 2 (page 3080) should be modified as shown below.Table 2Effects of intraruminal infusion of propionic acid at meals over 5 (FST) or 15 (SLW) min compared with the control on feeding behavior and energy intake for cows in the immediate postpartum periodItemControlInfusionSEMP-valueFSTSLWInfusion vs. controlFST vs. SLWDMI, kg/d18.610.410.00.62<0.010.74Meal frequency, meals/d12.08.511.20.560.010.01Meal length, min/meal25. size, kg/meal1.591.230.870.06<0.010.01Eating interval, min88.9138.8102. rate, kg/min0.0650.0580.0500.0005<0.010.04Hunger ratio0.0370.0130.0130.003<0.010.90Satiety ratio0.0450.0190.0250.0090.070.61Water intake, L/d84.429.324.36<0.010.66Liquid intake, L/d84.457.354. frequency, bouts/d12. intake, Mcal/d Diet1ME intake from the diet was calculated according to NRC (2001). ME (Mcal/kg) = 1.01 × digestible energy (Mcal/kg) − 0.45, based on actual digestibility of diets. ME intake (Mcal/d) = ME (Mcal/kg) × DMI.41.723.224.12.09<0.010.70 Infusion2ME intake from the infusion was based on energy density of 0.365 Mcal/mol of ME (Lebedeva, 1964) for propionic acid.05.125.460.2<0.010.35 Total3Total ME intake = ME intake diet + ME infusion.41.728.329.61.96<0.010.681 ME intake from the diet was calculated according to NRC (2001). ME (Mcal/kg) = 1.01 × digestible energy (Mcal/kg) − 0.45, based on actual digestibility of diets. ME intake (Mcal/d) = ME (Mcal/kg) × DMI.2 ME intake from the infusion was based on energy density of 0.365 Mcal/mol of ME (Lebedeva, 1964) for propionic acid.3 Total ME intake = ME intake diet + ME infusion. Open table in a new tab On page 3081, the second sentence of the Discussion should be modified as follows: “It is unlikely that the decrease in DMI by PA infusion was from additional energy supplied by the infusions because total MEI was reduced by PA treatments.” The authors regret the errors. Temporal effects of ruminal propionic acid infusion on feeding behavior of Holstein cows in the postpartum periodJournal of Dairy ScienceVol. 101Issue 4PreviewThe objective of this study was to determine the temporal effects of intraruminal infusion of propionic acid at the initiation of meals on feeding behavior of cows in the postpartum period. Propionic acid derived from ruminal fermentation can reduce energy intake of dairy cows. The suppression of appetite by propionic acid is likely caused by a signal related to the hepatic oxidation of fuels. Greater propionate flux to the liver is expected to result in faster oxidation of acetyl coenzyme A, which can stimulate satiety and reduce feed intake. Full-Text PDF Open Archive
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