
The authors regret that in the above published article, the figure captions of Figs. 1e5 were incomplete, which have been corrected to read as follows: Fig. 1. Antibiotic selection and confirmation of transgenic RNAi lines. Seeds from T0 generation RNAi lines were germinated on MS medium supplemented with kanamycin. A representative plates for wild-type and each transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) lines are shown here (A). PCR amplificationwas performed in the leaf samples collected from T1 generation RNAi lines using attB1-attB2 primers and amplification data for two lines are shown here (B). Arrow marks in the panel A show representative white (dead) seedlings. Fig. 2. Real time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis showing the down regulation of ADH or CcoAOMTor F3OGTgene transcripts in respective tobacco RNAi lines. The transcript levels were studied by qRT-PCR in non-stressed and water deficit stressed plants of RNAi lines of ADH (A), CcoAOMT (B) and F3OGT (C) at T1 generation. Plants from two independent lines were analyzed and relative expression ratio values over their corresponding wild-type are represented in the graph. In all the experiments vector control plants were also analyzed and they did not show silencing. Relative amounts of transcripts were calculated using method described in Pfaffl (2001). The data was normalized to the expression of elongation factor 1-a (EF1a) as the internal housekeeping gene and the wild-type (WT) plants of stress or non-stress mRNA levels of respective genes as an expression reference (WT stress1⁄4 1; WT non-stress1⁄4 1). Silenced lines are shown by filled bars and theWT control(s) is shown by empty bar. Bars represent standard deviation values. Fig. 3. Phenotype of the RNAi transgenic tobacco plants down regulated with ADH or CcoAOMT or F3OGT under water deficit stress. Fortyday-old wild-type and RNAi plants (RNAi line 1) were subjected to water deficit stress by gradually with-holding water for 7 d and later maintained at 40% FC for 7 d. The photographs of representative plants from each gene silenced lines were taken at the end of stress. Values indicate leaf relative water content (%) at the end of 7 d severe stress. Fig. 4. Performance of the transgenic RNAi plants down regulated for ADH or CcoAOMT or F3OGT under water deficit stress. RNAi transgenic lines were initially exposed to acclimation treatment by gradually with-holding the irrigation and later exposed to severe stress (40% FC-7 d). Data from a selected representative line (RNAi line 1) is presented here. Cellular level tolerance was assessed by estimating chlorophyll reduction (A), cell viability by TTC assay (B) and cell membrane stability (C). Percent reduction values under stress in (A) and (B) are calculated over corresponding well watered (100% FC) plants. Bars represent standard error values. The same letters are not significantly different at 5% level by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. WT, wild-type; FC, field capacity. Fig. 5. Response of Arabidopsis mutant plants to salinity and water deficit stress. The f3ogt, ccoaomt and adh mutants seedlings were initially grown in MS medium and transferred to 100 mM NaCl medium for root bending assay. Root growth was studied at the end of 7 d (A, B). To assess the desiccation response, seedling rosettes were detached and left on the lab bench for drying. Fresh weight loss was measured at the indicated time intervals and water lose was assessed (C). Water deficit stress was imposed by gradually with-holding water from pottingmix (acclimation) and exposing to severe stress. The cell membrane stability was assessed (D) in the stressed seedlings at 14.5% soil water content as measured by soil moisture monitor (Decagon devices Pullman WA USA; probe EC-5). The non-stress plants were maintained at 46% soil water content. Bars represent standard deviation values.

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