
Hahnemann the father of homoeopathy lived in an age when the science of pathology was still in its primitive stage. It was since about two decades after the death of Hahnemann that the science of pathology started to progress by various scientists. Today we find pathology with facts and daily enriching itself with new ones. Many persisting old terms have mostly changed. The keen and logical observer Hahnemann observed and deduced many facts and conditions for expressing which the modern terms were not available with him so he had no way other than to use some descriptive phrases or to use the various terms in current parlance of his time for denoting his observed or deduced facts and conditions. In this article an attempt has been done to co-relate the homoeopathic concept of disease with modern concept of medicine. Thus is Greek theory of disease, pathos is a manifestation of three factors. 1] First of all disease involves a pathogen, the negative dynamic influence which disrupts the state of health. A pathogen may be a disturbing physical, environmental or psychological influence that affects any of the three levels of being. It includes the exciting causes of acute diseases as well as the fundamental cause of chronic diseases. 2] We have the disease process which is a combination of specific nature the pathogen and the general reaction of the vital force against it. This includes the progression of a disease through its natural stages and cycles. This is normally called pathology, which includes signs and symptoms. 3] Thirdly a disease includes Ponos, the Greek word for toil. This is the strain that the pathological process places on the constitution and its energy reserves as it fights to restore the state of health. The general were and tear on the organism due to continuous adaptive and defensive reactions of the vital force against pathogenic influence also produces concomitant symptoms in the organism. If a disruption of normal homeostasis remains unresolved it leads to disorders of the mind and all systems of the organism. Co-relation of Pathology and Homoeopathy: Hahnemann tells us in the Organon that the complete expression of every symptom is that of sensation, location, and modality. Location of symptom is an element in pathology and many times it is the sole element. Pathology is one of the symptoms of the disease, as well as any other of its manifestations and if we do not consider it we are not prescribing in accord with the totality of symptoms. We also do not individualize the case if we do not properly consider pathology. Remedies prescribed for the disease when there is present only one of the important elements of the prescription, namely a symptomatic similarity or a pathological similarity, cannot cure and all that can be expected of them is to relieve temporarily or to palliate. When we come across any disease condition as a Homoeopathic physician, two basic pathological conditions will be observed and they are Reversible pathology and Irreversible pathology. These pathological changes are further classified in to Inflammation, Proliferation and Degeneration. The detail understanding of nature and characteristics of each of them can be correlated with miasmatic diseases. Inflammatory changes and Theory of Miasm: All symptom syndrome where septicaemia or toxaemia are present having Psora in the background. Proloferative changes aand Theory of Miasm: All such subacute infalmmatory changes have psoric origin and end pathological changes are classified under sycosis miasmatic disease. Degenerative changes and Theory of Miasm: All such cellular changes indicate destruction in the background along wih the loss of normal structure and loss of normal functions which indicated syphilis miasmatic disease. Conclusion: on the basis of above discussion we conclude that 1. Pathology indicates pathogen, disease process and response of individual towards this process. 2. Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis are chronic miasmatic diseases. 3. Only nosological terminology is not sufficient to corelate the the hahnemannian concept of Miasm with pathology. The origin, development, stage of disease and clinical manifestations are to be considered while corelating the concept of miasm with pathology. Refrences: 1. Dey, Text book of Pathology, New Delhi. 2. Ortega, Notes on Miasm, B jain Publication, New Delhi. 3. Symposium Volumes, ICR Publications. 4. www. similia. Com.

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