
Background: Type-1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease which management is complex and full of challenges, especially when it occurs during childhood and adolescence. Furthermore, with the presence of complications from type-1 diabetes mellitus, including complications related to dental and oral health, appropriate prevention and management strategies are needed. Parents, especially mothers, have an important role in children's lives, such as caring for and teaching children about oral health, maternal behavior in maintaining dental hygiene is a factor in shaping children's dental health, so that good parenting style can maintain the health of the oral cavity of type-1 DM children. Objectives: This study aims to analyze the relationship between maternal parenting style and maternal behavior in maintaining oral hygiene of type-1 DM children in Malang City. Methods: This study was a cross sectional analytic observational study consisting of 35 parents whose children had type-1 DM at Saiful Anwar Hospital. The instrument used was PSDQ questionnaire. Results: The correlation test between maternal parenting and oral hygiene behavior of children with type-1 DM obtained a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.560 with a significance value of <0.001. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between maternal parenting variables and behavior in maintaining oral hygiene of children with type-1 DM in children with type-1 DM in Malang City.

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