
Background: Cervical squamous cell carcinoma NOS cervix It is an invasive epithelial tumor with varying degrees of differentiation. The prognostic grading system based on WHO (2020) is assessed from nuclear pleomorphism, mitosis, tumor cell invasion, keratin, and necrosis. Tumor budding is an isolated tumor cell bud 5 cells.1 This tumor budding phenomenon is considered the histological basis for the formation of metastases and further tumor invasion which is an independent prognostic, especially in cervical squamous cell carcinoma NOS.15 Research purposes: Analyze the relationship between tumor index peritumoral budding with grading histopathology in patients squamous cell carcinoma NOS cervix. Materials and Methods: This research is an analytic research approach cross-sectional in 36 samples of paraffin blocks of patients diagnosed histopathologically with Cervical SCC. Then, the paraffin block was re-cut, followed by staining slides with H&E. Conducted an assessment of peritumoral budding tumor categorized as no buds (low grade) and 15buds (intermediate grade), also 15buds (high grade), rating relationship peritumoral budding tumor with grading histopathology squamous cell carcinoma NOS cervix as a prognostic independent on Cervical SCC statistically tested. Results: Most were in the age group >51 years and a few were aged 31-35 years. Most parity 2x parturition, and most nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma compared keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma, the correlation between grading histopathology squamous cell carcinoma NOS cervix with age, there was no significant relationship. Relationship between grade with parity constant and unrelated. Conclusion: Significant relationship between tumor index peritumoral budding with grading histopathology in cases squamous cell carcinoma NOS cervix

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