
With the continuous expansion of the consumer interest rate market today, the risks brought by interest rate fluctuations have had a huge and far-reaching impact on the financial markets of many countries and it is becoming more and more important to simulate the pricing of financial options. In the traditional pricing model of financial options, the pricing standard of the pricing model is generally set as a financial product with random disturbance characteristics and the market price of its transaction does not follow the arbitrage principle of financial product pricing. It is easy to generate errors and cause risks, and the accuracy of traditional financial option pricing models is not high, and the simulation time is long, which greatly reduces the rate of financial transactions. To improve the accuracy of option pricing models, this paper uses computer simulation technology to simulate the pricing of correlated financial options under stochastic interest rates. From the four aspects of error, risk parameters, success rate, and simulation time, it is tested to observe the influence of computer simulation technology on the financial option pricing model. The final results show that by using computer simulation technology, the error of the correlation financial option pricing model under the random interest rate is reduced, the success rate is improved, the risk parameter is reduced by 3.03%, and the simulation time is reduced by 0.605 seconds.

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