
Automotive financial services product development, innovation and design technology is the basis for auto finance industry and the basic means of survival, based on the trend of China's legal and policy environment, the automotive market characteristics and behavioral characteristics of consumer psychology, consumer products and more selective more from the consumer point of view, to solve consumer psychology and behavior. In this paper, options knowledge, the design of automotive financial products option pricing model, and general product on the market to compare pricing models derived option pricing model is more suitable for consumers to choose more type automobile pricing of financial products conclusions. Keywords-Auto-finance; Automotive Financial products; Option pricing I. INTRODUCTION Automotive financial products like insurance and finance products, refers to the use of that car financing transactions and financial structures performed (number, duration, cost, etc.), financial strategy design and corresponding legal contractual arrangements, is in reality automotive financial services facing questions. Automotive Financial Services products are based on the market supply and demand situation, the subject matter of the trade value of the car-based, service as a means to financial operations as the main consumer demand for different groups of objects for the design, the development of series of tradable financial instruments, financial services and various financial strategies design. Pricing as a product design the most important aspect, this article focuses on product pricing models, comparative analysis of automotive financial products generally pricing and option pricing approach.

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