
ABSTRACT Single photon counting module (SPCM) has been wi dely used in quantum information processing (QIP) to investigate the novel quantum-mechanical phenomena. We analysis the effect of SPCMs on photon statistics of light fields by mean of Hanbu ry Brown and Twiss (HBT) configuration. It shows that the measured second-order degree of coherence g (2) and Mandel Q factor for different states are strongly corrected. The total efficiency and background are taken into account. The agreement between experiment based on the coherent as well as thermal fields and the theory is quite good. Keywords: Single photon counting module (SPC M), Hanbury Brown and Twiss (HBT) experiment, second-order degree of coherence, Mandel factor. ITRODUCTIONS By the development of quantum information science, generation of quantum states, especially single photon state, plays an important role in implementation of quantum cryptography [1] and quantum computation based on the physical system of photons[2]. Recently, single atom laser[3] and deterministic single photon [4] were demonstrated. The most important criteria of characterizing the single photon state is the second-order degree of coherence g

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