
Background. The activities of logistics companies require introduction of mana­gement tools of corporate social responsibility (CSR) at the strategic and operational level today. Accordingly, the issues of specific features, manifestation forms and promising areas of development of socially oriented logistics business are relevant. Analysis of recent research and publications has shown that there is a wide range of publications about CSR nature, principles, forms and its implications for enterprises. However, the features of socially oriented development programs by logistics companies are not studied. The aim of the article is to investigate the peculiarities of manifestation of corporate social responsibility, the forms and directions of its implementation in the activities of lo­gistics service providers in the context of modern global challenges. Materials and methods. Methods of comparative analysis, synthesis, systema­tization, generalization were used in this paper. Results. Thanks to socially oriented approaches to doing business, logistics com­panies are often able to achieve significant resource savings, solve staffing issues, support innovative development, establish and maintain transparent and mutually beneficial rela­tionships with all stakeholders in supply chains. The main areas of CSR for logistics companies are environmental, which is manifested in the plane of transport and ware­housing operations; economic area ensures the efficiency and reliability of logistics chains, development of economic systems; social area is in the context of labor relations and ensuring consumer rights. Operators of the Ukrainian logistics services market are actively implementing CSR practices and confirm this fact with certificates of compliance with international standards. During the COVID-19 pandemic, logistics companies significantly expanded socially oriented business practice. Conclusion. In the context of the global pandemic crisis, new threats and challenges are emerging for logistics operators, related to their increased accountability to society and growing risks to the uninterrupted functioning of supply chains. Keywords: corporate social responsibility, logistic companies, sustainable deve­lop­ment programs, socially oriented activities, virtuous partnership, standards of sustain­nable business development.

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