
Examples in the literature of corporate initiatives in ergonomics are reviewed. Different types of programmes are identified with ambitions ranging from time-limited interventions to continuous processes. Common elements are health surveillance, workstation design and choice of tools, product design, quality aspects, participative aspects and education, training and information. The implementation of ergonomics programmes varies substantially depending on the type of company, and company policies and organisation. Some of the most developed ergonomics programmes originate from the automobile industry. Other businesses with many established programmes are the electronics industry, the food industry and the office environment. A participative approach, as well as ergonomics expertise, are crucial ingredients for a successful programme. The scientific evaluation of ergonomics programmes, especially in economical terms, is in too many cases insufficient or missing. Furthermore, links to company core values such as quality improvement are often lacking. Programmes in ergonomics are still often seen as solely a matter of health and safety. Only a few companies have reached the state where ergonomics constitutes an integrated part of the overall strategy of the enterprise.

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