
Bank made the change of corporate culture into BTN SIIPSreplacing the previous corporate culture BTN Pola Prima. Corporate culture of has 5 basic values of the culture that is Synergy, Integrity, Innovation, Professionalism, and Strive of Excellence where the basic value of this culture become the foundation for all bitniz in running the company. Changes in corporate culture are made as a company's efforts in adjusting to face the development and competition in the banking world with the aim to improve employee productivity and strengthen corporate identity. Corporate culture is a set of assumptions that are built and shared by the organization as morally adaptable to the external environment and internal integration processes. One of the ways companies boost employee productivity is to make fundamental changes in corporate culture. Employee productivity is driven by the corporate culture which is made by creating artifacts, supported values, as well as basic assumptions and communicated by the company through organizational communication both formally and non-formally. This research analyses the corporate culture of in improving employee productivity PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. Bandung Branch Office. This research is a qualitative research using case study approach with data collection technique through an interview, literature study, observation, and documentation analysis. The sampling technique of this research is using purposive sampling technique. Key Informant in this research is Leader Most Value Person (MVP) Team and 2 persons of Most Value Person (MVP) Team of Bank Bandung Branch Office. The results of this study found that the corporate culture is carrying open communication supported by the artifact company where each attribute that is worn by person between subordinates and superiors equated like corporate uniform and identification. Thus every person can contribute well in achievement that gives added value for the company. BTN SIIPS appears in Bank BTN's efforts to integrate with the company's internal as well as adapt to its external environment. The application of corporate culture is carried out in routine activities, short-term and long-term program activities to provide cultural exposure that can provide an increase in employee productivity. Bank Bandung branch office prevents obstacles to the implementation of corporate culture by preparing individuals in the face of change.

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