
The article is devoted to the study of the role of corpus linguistics in the teaching of foreign languages, in particular English. It defines the main aspects of corpus linguistics, considers the corpus approach as a method of teaching foreign languages, its advantages and disadvantages, gives a brief history of corpus linguistics as a branch of linguistics, and gives examples of possible tasks based on linguistic corpora. The article presents the tasks of the corpus approach, which are related to the teaching of foreign languages, its main characteristics, which determine its reliability and validity, are indicated. By analyzing researches on corpus linguistics, the authors summarized the typology of corpora. The article substantiates the expediency of using the corpus approach in teaching a foreign language in higher educational institutions. The authors established that the use of corpora in the work of students with the involvement of the inductive method contributes to the students’ awareness of the main language patterns and the development of linguistic intuition, while the study material is authentic texts. The authors revealed the possibility of using a direct and indirect corpus approach in the formation of lexical and grammatical skills of students. Thus, the direct use of this method may involve the teaching of corpus linguistics to university students as a purely academic subject, the performance of certain tasks or exercises using concordance programs, and the implementation of individual research projects of students. The indirect corpus approach includes material development and language testing. The article contains information about special software that can be used to implement training on the main types of tasks that can be offered on the basis of these programs.

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