
Currently, the COVID-19 epidemic is relevant all over the world and in Ukraine. The real generation of doctors and inhabitants of the planet have witnessed and participated in the pandemic COVID-19, which is under development. Most doctors have not previously dealt with coronavirus infection, which forces to develop tactics of organizational preventive and curative measures in the process of active work. Training of doctors of various specialties should be carried out on a permanent basis remotely or in absentia using all available sources of information. The main measures of non-specific individual and collective prevention with the introduction of quarantine are briefly presented. The article is intended primarily for physicians working with patients with COVID 19 and contact persons.The article is evaluated the epidemic situation with COVID-19 in Ukraine. To study the nature of the virus, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, treatment and prevention.The analysis was performed of literature sources, own observations on coronavirus disease — COVID-19.The epidemic situation of COVID-19 is closely related to the observance of the mask regime and quarantine restrictions. The peculiarities of the clinical picture, laboratory, radiological diagnosis, treatment and prevention of COVID-19 are analyzed.Based on a review of the scientific literature, basic data on the history of human coronavirus infections are presented. The etiology of COVID-19, epidemiology, pathogenesis, main clinical manifesta­tions, and classification by severity are described. Laboratory and hardware diagnostic methods are listed. The risk group for severe COVID-19 has been shown to include people > 60 years of age and those with comorbid conditions. COVID-19 is characterized not only by lung damage, but also by multiple organ damage. Indications for hospitalization of patients with COVID-19 and modern approaches to treatment are given. In treatment, the emphasis is on the use of pathogenetic therapy. The main measures of non-specific individual and collective prevention with the introduction of quarantine are briefly presented. The article is intended for physicians working with COVID-19 patients, family physicians, and general practitioners.

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