
The one of newest future methods of anesthesia is the state of artificial hypobiosis. For detail studying this method with a possibility of its further introduction in clinical practice, and before – in conducting clinical studies, it is necessary to have specified data of pre-clinical studies. Among important methods that characterize the completeness of pre-clinical data are magnetic resonance imaging procedure and coronography of key vessels of the myocardium of rats. Coronography – is the rontgenological method of research that demonstrates the structural deformation and speed of the bloodstream of key vessels of the heart. Its principle is based on introducing a contrast substance including iodine in the peripheral vein of a patient with the further rontgenological scanning during several full cycles of circuit. In its turn, the magnetic-resonance imaging procedure of the myocardium – non-invasive method of the structural-diagnostic study characterizes 3D-model using the three-dimensional reconstruction of the cardiac muscle, and also demonstrates the volume of cardiac chambers, characterizing the dynamics of changes of the wall thickness. That is why just these methods were chosen for the detail characteristics of structural-functional changes of the myocardium of rats at artificial hypobiosis. In experiments there were used white outbred male-rats with mass 180-200 g, kept in standard vivarium conditions. The animals were divided in groups: control (intact animals) and experimental (artificial hypobiosis). The number of animals in each group n = 7. Experiments were conducted in correspondence of requirements of the “European convention about protection of vertebral animals, used for experimental and other scientific purpose” (Strasburg, France, 1985), According to general ethical principles of experiments, accepted by the first national congress of Ukraine on bioethics (2001). As a result of the conducted studies, it was demonstrated that the state of artificial hypobiosis favors the essential narrowing of the clearance of great vessels of the myocardium of rats, decrease of the frequency of heart contractions in six times comparing with the control one, and also decrease of the chambers of the cardiac muscle


  • Вступ Саме відомий радянський вчений М. М. Тимофєєв одним із перших провів дослідження з досягнення стану штучного гіпобіозу за використання

  • 3. Дослідити скорочувальну здатність міокарда щурів за гіпоксигіперкапнії

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