
To compare the correlation between corneal and total wavefront aberrations in normal phakic and pseudophakic eyes after implantation of foldable monofocal intraocular lenses (IOLs). University Hospital, Eye Clinic, Zurich, Switzerland. Wavefront aberrations and corneal topography of 29 eyes that had cataract surgery with implantation of hydrophobic monofocal foldable IOL (AcrySof, Alcon Labs) were measured at least 2 months postoperatively and compared with wavefront measurements performed in 33 normal young phakic eyes. The total wavefront aberrations were measured by means of a Tscherning wavefront sensor at a wavelength of 660 nm (Allegro Wave Analyzer, WaveLight Laser Technology). The corneal aberrations were derived from corneal topography measurements ascertained with a Placido-based topography system (Keratograph 70600, Oculus). The correlations between corneal and total wavefront aberrations were calculated for all Zernike coefficients from 2nd up to 6th order. There was a significant correlation between corneal and total wavefront aberrations in astigmatism C3 and C5 as well as for all 3rd-order Zernike coefficient in both groups (except C8 in the pseudophakic group). The correlation between corneal and total astigmatism (C3 and C5) was higher in the pseudophakic than in the phakic eyes. In contrast, the correlation for the coma-like aberrations was weaker in the pseudophakic eyes (R>0.18) than in the group of phakic eyes (R>0.58). In both groups, there was no significant correlation between spherical aberration C12 of the cornea and the C12 of the total eye. After cataract surgery with an IOL implantation, both vertical and horizontal coma, as well as spherical aberration, were of higher value than in normal eyes. The compensation effect for corneal aberrations of the natural lens is absent in the IOL and explains these findings. The corneal aberrations in pseudophakic eyes reflect better the optical quality of the total eye than the phakic eyes. Nevertheless, the missing correlation in some specific aberrations, such as C8 and C10, shows the inability of corneal topography to provide suitable information on the optical quality of the total eye after cataract surgery. Thus, both corneal and total wavefront measurements are relevant for the assessment of outcomes after cataract surgery.

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