
Yellow sticky traps baited with eugenol, 8 R -methyl-2 R -decyl propanoate (2 R ,8 R -MDP), and both lures together were exposed during 1983–1984 adjacent to fields of corn containing mixed populations of northern corn rootworms (NCR), Diabrotica barberi Smith & Lawrence, and western corn rootworms (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte. Traps containing eugenol alone captured as many NCR beetles as traps baited with eugenol + 2 R ,8 R -MDP, but the former attracted significantly more female beetles. Furthermore, traps baited with eugenol alone captured more NCR beetles than traps baited only with 2 R ,8 R -MDP, but the latter attracted significantly more males. Exposure of eugenol + 2 R ,8 R -MDP did not result in enhanced capture of either sex of NCR or WCR (i.e., there were no indications of attractive synergism).

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