
Abstract Water supply is an important factor for high grain corn (Zea mays L.) yield and in nitrogen fertilizer management. It is the objective of this paper to develop a model for N‐rate forecasting based on yield‐increase (Yi) as related to plant available soil water (PAW) and precipitation. In the zone studied maximum yield (YM) is more influenced by soil N fertility and climatic factor variability than by added N fertilizer. The same N‐rate gave high variation in yield from one year to another. In contrast, the Yi, due to nitrogen fertilization, is less related to soil N fertility but highly related to added N fertilizer and water supply. Thus, the correlation coefficient between Yi and PAW within 0–150 cm ranged from 0.75* with March 1st PAW to 0.85* with June 1st PAW. In dry‐winter years, these correlations were even higher. The correlation of Yi with N‐rate is also high (r = 0.94**). Because of its significant correlation with both N‐rate and water supply the expected Yi as related to PAW and preci...

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