
Abstract Six insecticides were evaluated at a location in Chowan Co. on peanuts grown in sandy soil (pH-5.6, organic matter-0.6%) under standard production practices. Plots were 4 rows (30 inch centers) by 20 ft long and treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with 4 replicates per treatment. Insecticides were applied using a C02 backpack sprayer delivering 35 gal/acre at 40 psi using 8002 flat fan nozzles. Treatments were applied on 18 Aug under sunny skies and temperatures around 80°F. Two inches of rain fell 24 h prior to treatment, but foliage was dry at the time of application. Peanuts foliage was lush with vines overlapping in row middles. Rain fell 12 h after treatment and continued for 30 h for a total of 3 inches of precipitation. Three row ft of each plot were sampled for caterpillars on 21 Aug using a standard beat cloth technique. Pretreatment counts determined caterpillar populations were greater than 85% corn earworms, and the remainder were fall armyworms, beet armyworms, and yellowstriped armyworms. Most worms were fourth and fifth instar. Foliage was dry during sampling under sunny skies at 89°F.

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