This paper presents a solution to an integration problem arising when copying (reusing) software components developed for one domain into software structures in a similar domain. This particular problem has not been previously addressed in the design of object-oriented languages whose intent is to enhance software reuse and software integration. Object structures are directed graphs where edges are either inheritance or client- server associations, and nodes are abstract data types. The formal logic for abstract data types used in the formal method is first-order predicate logic, and the proof system uses natural deductive logic. This is the background formal logic system, and the semantic part of each object definition uses this logic. A solution to the copyability problem is presented using the new properties of inheritance relation in copyable and out copyable, as well as client-server fan in copyable and fan out copyable. This solution to the copyability problem is presented by means of an effective method using a framework for identifying and assessing potential errors in a given object- oriented structure. Several different kinds of formal logic errors are identified which can occur during copying of object definitions represented as abstract data types into object-oriented structures.
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