
Questions about word formation remain one of the most pressing problems of modern linguistics. The relevance of this issue is increasing, especially for less-studied languages such as the Pashto language, since the vocabulary of the language is constantly being enriched under modern requirements. The need to express new concepts arising from progress in various spheres of life gives rise to the need to create new lexical units based on the language’s capabilities and resources. The study of this process on a scientifc basis, the defnition of its directions, the defnition of its specifcs based on the analysis of language material today is of great theoretical and practical importance. Composing copulative compound words is one of the interesting and almost unexplored areas of this topic in every respect. There are works in science in which this topic was partially touched upon, but more than 40 years have passed since the last of them were published. During this period, there have been signifcant changes in the composition of the vocabulary of the Pashto language, including in the methods of composing a copulative compound word. Since the vocabulary of a language is dynamic, the study of processes occurring in it in synchronous terms is always of scientifc signifcance. An important component aspect of this issue is the study of copulative compound words formed using prepositionsinfxes, as well as the connecting infx. This scientifc article is devoted to the analysis based on analytical and synthetic methods for the formation of copulative compound words with a combination of prepositions-infxes [ هپpә], [ انnā], [ رپpәr], [ هلlә], [ دdә] in the Pashto language, as well as on the place of the connecting-infx of [ واaw] in copulative compound word formation. In the article, the question in the specifc form of prepositional infxes and copulative compound words made with the use of the connecting infx [ واaw] is defned as the subject of research, and modern materials of the Pashto language-as the object of the research. The scientifc novelty of the work is also reflected in these issues. The article analyzes both groups of prepositioninfxes and connecting infxes

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