
Abstract This study aims to characterize prototypical copularity in contrast with semi-copulas based on probabilistic distributional traits, which indicate preferential associations rather than absolute restrictions. This evaluation of prototypical copularity will be based on a set of 15 French and Dutch copular verbs. A behavioral profile analysis, involving multiple clustering procedures, will demonstrate that (i) prototypical copulas and semi-copulas are never clustered together in one group and that (ii) the group of prototypical copulas is more homogeneous in comparison with the groups of semi-copulas. Next, the bipartition [prototypical copulas vs. semi-copulas] is examined by means of a Firth logistic regression. Overall, it is shown for both French and Dutch that the pattern [(in)animate subject + prepositional SC] is clearly associated with the semi-copulas, whereas the pattern [inanimate subject + nominal SC] is the most distinctive for the prototypical copulas.

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