
Complexation of hydrated Cu(BF4)2 by 2 molar equivalents of L2R (L2Me = 2,6-bis{methyliminomethyl}pyridine, L2Cy = 2,6-bis{cyclohexyliminomethyl}pyridine, L2But = 2,6-bis{tert-butyliminomethyl}pyridine) afforded [Cu(L2R)2][BF4]2 (R = Me, 1; Cy, 2; or But, 3) in moderate yields. EPR spectroscopy in solution and the solid state demonstrates that 1 and 2 adopt the expected {dy2 − z2}1 electronic ground state, and that the pseudo-Jahn–Teller elongation axis is fluxional in solid 1 and static in solid 2. In contrast, 3 exhibits a {dz2}1 ground state by EPR. The crystal structures of 2·MeNO2 and 3·½Me2CO contain rhombic six-co-ordinate copper(II) ions, which differ principally in the length of the Cu–N bonds close to the molecular y axis. Treatment of [Cu(NCMe)4]BF4 with varying ratios of L2R yields [Cu(L2R)2]BF4 (R = Me, 4; Mes, 5; or Cy, 6: L2Mes = 2,6-bis{2,4,6-trimethylphenyliminomethyl}pyridine) or [{Cu(L2But)}2][BF4]27. The single crystal structure of 5·MeCN shows a flattened tetrahedral copper(I) centre with two bidentate L2Mes ligands. Reaction of hydrated Cu(ClO4)2 with 2 molar equivalents of L3 (1,3-bis{pyridin-2-yl}pyrazole) yields [Cu(L3)2][ClO4]28, whose crystal structure demonstrates a six-co-ordinate copper(II) ion with long Cu–N{pyridine} bonds. Powder EPR spectroscopy demonstrates a {dz2}1 ground state for 8 in the solid.

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