
From the point of view of the information transmission system in human social communication, listening plays an important role. Listening is one of the basic ways of human communication. Its complexity lies in the fact that it contains a lot of information and is influenced by a variety of internal and external factors. Listening learning with listening as the basic input plays a very important role in English learning, but learners' psychological factors, including focus, affect the comprehension and improvement of listening level in the whole process of English learning, especially in listening learning. Medium and high levels of anxiety have been shown to be detrimental to the improvement of students' listening academic level and listening skills. In order to ensure the success of listening comprehension, it is necessary to take teaching intervention to control and reduce listening anxiety to a certain extent, so as to achieve successful listening comprehension and higher listening level. This article reviews the related research on hearing anxiety and its influencing factors on listening comprehension. Based ON the existing research results, further analysis shows that appropriate listening skills and strategy training, basic knowledge and necessary background information storage, building students' self-confidence and reducing "negative evaluation" anxiety are the key to control the appropriate degree of anxiety and reduce listening anxiety.

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